The Easiest Peak to Conquer in Pyrenees-Orientales, France – Pic dels Moros (2138m) | Amazing One-Day Hike
In this trip report we share with you our one day hike in the Pyrenees-Orientales, France. As in the year of 2020 we did hike mostly in the region where we live in Pyrenees, this trail was another discovery of ours. It is a 12-14kms long circuit hike starting and finishing in Font-Romeu town leading to Pic dels Moros (2138m). We expected it to be easy to moderate difficulty and having around 450m of elevation gain. The trail started to go in the dense pine forest following the wide dirt farmer’s routes. On the sides of the route we could see a lot of mushrooms hiding in the needles and…
Tour de Cerdagne- Beautiful 4 Day Trail to do in Pyrenees | Odeillo Solar Furnace, Bolquere, Eyne, Font-Romeu
On this 4th and final day of Tour de Cerdagne we completed the hiking tour and did 15kms starting from Eyne village, then walking through Bolquere, Via, Solar Furnace Odeillo and coming to the town Font-Romeu. We had a quite disturbing night with a lot of rain and thunderstorm in the evening and then cold in the morning. We thought in the early morning the temperature was descending down to several degrees Celsius and we had to wear all of our warm clothes on us. But because our sleeping bags comfort temperature was +11 degrees we still got pretty cold. So we didn’t have a good sleep. But in the…