Very bright and sunny day on Camino del Norte| From Ribadesella to Colunga in Asturias, Spain – Day 21
On the Day 21 of our Camino de Santiago del Norte we hiked from the village Ribadesella to Colunga in Asturias. Even though the day before was an easy one and we didn’t make lots of kms, in the morning we still felt broken apart. And now we were thinking of taking a day off the trail for one day. But we knew that we have to continue on and partly because we didn’t have the camping gas to cook on. And that is a really big deal for us. The campground was quiet except for the jackdaws that were disturbing our sleep in the middle of the night. Maybe…
Going hungry on the Camino! | Camino del Norte from Bufones de Pria to Ribadesella in Asturias, Spain – Day 20
On the Day 20 of our Camino de Santiago del Norte we got from the Bufones de Pria to the town Ribadesella in Asturias, Spain. The place we found for a camp was nice and secluded. Only the dogs were barking all night and disturbing our sleep. But nevertheless we slept well and at least the tractor didn’t come to work at that field in the early morning, we were a bit worried about that. So we set up the alarm at 7.30 am but got up an hour later cause we find it’s so hard to wake up when it’s dark outside. And now when the day was getting…