The hottest and most tedious day | Camino del Norte from Santillana de Mar to Comillas – Day 14
On the Day 14 of our Camino de Santiago del Norte we got from the village Santillana de Mar to the town Comillas at the oceancoast.
We rested well and with fresh powers started the day. We left the camping Santillana a bit late at 11 am but we knew we will be on time because we saw that the trail is going on the car asphalt roads and it always means that it will be easier.
Right from the start the route was going up and down and up and down all the time. And even though we walked mostly on asphalt routes that day at the end the muscles of the legs felt really sore.
So it was quite tiring and a bit boring day. We passed by several villages with little white red roofed houses, met couple of beautiful churches on the way but we missed a lot the ocean side views. All we saw was the row of similar buildings and the roads but at least they were almost with no traffic.
Idyllic views of the beach Playa de Luaña
So when we got to Cobreces we finally get to see the ocean and the beach at least for a little bit before going on the road again and walking under the hot sun. The sun was killing us all day long especially because there wasn’t any shadow in the fields.
So all sweaty and tanned we entered the Comillas – our final destination for the day. As always we needed to buy some groceries but we couldn’t find any open supermarket and we remembered that it was a religious holiday that day and they all closed very early. Saved us the locals who directed us to the little food shop that was open and it had everything that we needed.
After having a quick snack we went to the camping and could see a bit of the town Comillas. It was similar to the yesterday one with lots of people on the streets- tourists and pilgrims and tons of little commercials on every corner. But it seemed a cute little town with old houses made out of rock.
The camping was not bad, anyways we didn’t have much choice as it was the only one in this town. There we met an English guy who was very kind and gave us little cakes saying that doing the Camino must be hard. Then my husband had a little talk with him about life and he even offered us to use his bigger cooking stove so that we could prepare the food more comfortably. So on that positive note we finished this exhausting day.
Here is the link to Google map to follow the hike: