First stormy and rainy day getting to Zarautz | Day 5 of Camino del Norte
On the 5th day we woke up in the camping after a good sleep, but we got up late because of the hard previous day and because yesterday night the people were quite noisy. This camping was the most crowded that we’ve been on this way so far. And we had no electricity included in the price so we had to charge all of our gear in the shower room staying there like for an hour or so.
In the morning after we had our breakfast and were ready to go the rain started so we had to wait for it to calm down. We were stuck in the camping but at least charged the electronics a bit more that will be very needed afterwards.
The rain was going on and off during all that day but wasn’t too strong. So we still were able to film and to move forward.
So the first part of the way was going through the beautiful fields and forest areas with very fresh air. Then we passed through the port village Orio where there was a lot of highways crossing and lots of traffic and noise because of that. We walked through the bridge crossing the river, that was smelling quite nasty, and then started to move uphill in direction of the city Zarautz. There we started to see lots of vineyards on the both sides of the path so we could guess that this industry is quite developed here.

At one point we took quite a long break because the yesterday’s adventure was still getting at us. The muscles were very sore and the weather was very changeable. This break saved us afterwards so that we had more powers.

We got to the city of Zarautz quite quickly moving downhill enjoying the picturesque views of the ocean and the beach from above. In the city we had to find some gas for the stove and we didn’t succeed in it cause there were only the big ones and every extra weight is unnecessary in our case. So we just bought the food and had a little snack at the beach. Then we headed to the tourist office for the Zarautz stamp and they gladly gave it to us. So from now on we decided to direct there instead of the churches because they have more flexible schedule. And we even thought of why they don’t have a place where anybody can come and put it himself at any time. Probably they don’t do it because some people can take advantage of it and do the Camino by car for example and it won’t be fare to the real pilgrims.
After doing all that we we out to take the GR 121 and find a place to stealth camp cause the campsites were quite far and it was getting very late. It was a very challenging task because the area the route goes through is quite populated and used for agriculture but we managed to find a secluded place in a little forest so that nobody could see us and almost in complete dark we did all the set up and went to sleep.
Here is the link to Google map to follow the hike: