Garden of Eden and Magical Castle | Day 2 of Camino del Norte
It was the first complete Day of our Camino when we did around 17 kms and walked through the village Saint Jean de Luz, Ciboure and Sokoa and got to the outskirts of the French border city Hendaye.
This day we already felt better and more energized not in our best physical state but much better than yesterday. There’s also the fact of adjustment to the walking routine when your body needs time to get into the rhythm, normally it takes several days for us.
So we woke up fresh and ready to hit the trail. The whole day the trail was quite easy partly on the pavement partly on the gravel. It was Sunday so we were conscious about all the shops closing after midday and still were a bit late. But luckily in the city Saint Jean de Luz we found one little supermarket and we were not left starving in the evening.
Saint Jean de Luz was a quite major village with lots of commercials and hotels, it even had a Grand Hotel. And starting from Saint Jean de Luz we had to walk the good 5 km along the highway. It was quite busy car road but it was on the side of it so it could be worse. And the views were compensating it all.
It was finally the day when we could enjoy the rocky cliffs and walk almost on the edge of them, see lots of sea birds and enjoy proximity of the ocean all the way through. That’s what you would expect from Camino del Norte and we were starting to fall in love with it from now on.
After been walking along the car road we plunged into the forest area which was full of oak and fruit trees, singing birds and squirrels. It felt like an oasis after been walking in the hot sun shining in the face without a shadow all day long. There we even found a castle that seemed like it came out of a Disney movie or some fairytale that’s how you would imagine the castle as a child I guess.
The second day around we met no pilgrims and we expect to find more of them the next day when we’ll start walking from Irun where the official Camino del Norte starts.
And so at the end of our day at the outskirts of Hendaye we found our 2 star camping site GCU and were happy to find a place to rest and gather the powers for the next day.
Here is the link to Google map to follow the hike: