The list of Campgrounds (Campings) to stay at on Camino de Santiago del Norte in Spain
In this blog post we are going to share with you the list of possible campgrounds (or campings) to stay at along the Camino del Norte (Northern Way of Camino). We had several requests during the last year from our readers and subscribers and finally we have made the complete list for you. We included all the campgrounds we personally stayed at during our Camino and we also very grateful for the help of one of our dear subscribers who shared with us his own plan of doing a Camino and we took some campsites from his list as well. Be aware that because we did a lot of deviations from official trail of Camino and were hiking along the coast most of the time, some of the campsites would be located quite far from official trek. Also we did do stealth camping some of the days so the stages and distances may not correspond to day by day. So we encourage you to use this list as a base for making your own realistic plan that will be suitable for you rather than a definite guide as well as always checking the opening times of the campsites and their rates if needed in advance.
Camping Laredo Camping La Paz Night in the camping Las Arenas
- Camping Merko (Saint-Jean-de-Luz) https://www.merkolacarra.com/
- Camping GCU (Hendaye) https://www.gcu.asso.fr/
- Camping Igueldo San Sebastian (Donostia-San Sebastian) https://www.campingigueldo.com/
- Camping Aitzeta (Mutriku)
- Camping de Castro (Castro-Urdiales) https://campingdecastro.es/
- Camping Oriñón (Oriñón) https://www.campingorinon.com/
- Camping Laredo (Laredo) https://www.campinglaredo.com/
- Camping Playa Joyel (Noja) https://www.playajoyel.com/
- Camping Derby Loredo (Loredo) https://www.campingloredo.com/
- Camping Santillana del Mar (Santillana del Mar) https://www.campingsantillana.com/
- Camping Comillas (Comillas) https://www.campingcomillas.com/
- Camping El Rosal (San Vicente de la Barquera) https://www.campingelrosal.com/
- Camping Las Arenas (Pechón) https://campinglasarenas.com/
- Camping La Paz (Llanes) https://www.campinglapaz.com/
- Camping Playa de Troenzo (Celorio) https://www.campingtroenzo.com/
- Camping Playa Sauces (Ribadesella) https://campingplayasauces.es/
- Camping Costa Verde (Colunga) https://campingcostaverde.es/
- Camping L´Amuravela (Cudillero) https://www.lamuravela.com/
- Camping San Pedro de la Ribera (Cudillero) https://www.campingsanpedro.es/
- Camping La Regalina (Cadavedo) https://www.laregalina.com/
- Camping Los Cantiles (Luarca) https://www.campingloscantiles.com/
- Camping Playa de Otur (Luarca) https://www.campingotur.com/
- Camping Vegamar (Castropol) https://www.campingvegamar.com/
- Camping Amaido Asturias (El Llano) https://www.amaido.com/
- Camping El Mesón (Guitiriz) https://www.campingelmeson.com/
- Muiño de Pena (A Tarroeira) https://www.omuinodepena.com/
- Camping As Cancelas (Santiago de Compostela) https://www.campingelmeson.com/
Also if you would like to see the GPS map of our Camino for reference, you can download the map for each day that we posted in the end of every day trip report from Camino del Norte on our website here: http://walkingnatureworld.com/our-videos/camino-de-santiago-del-norte-northern-way-of-camino/
Hope you will find it useful for planning you own Camino and don’t forget to let us know how it goes and leave all the suggestions and questions in the comments. We appreciate your feedback a lot.

Hello! Thanks for sharing the listo of campingsites. Why You don’t have one camping a day?
Don’t underestand wich route You haber Made for Camino del Norte. Could You please share ir with me? Thanks!
Hello, Romina, some days we did wild camping when there weren’t any campgrounds on this particular stretch. We did quite a lot of deviations from official trail and you can find the gps track of the every day we did on Camino her eon our website, at the very end of the trip report of every day.