Hiking with the Donkey | Day 6 of Camino del Norte from Zumaia to Deba
The night was quiet and very warm that was a second time us experiencing of how warm it can be in the forest at night. All we heard was an owl and several birds.
Everything was quite wet from the rain yesterday and extremely humid so the tent was twice as heavy cause it soaked up all that wetness. We had a real quick breakfast with a stunning view cause we knew that we had to do our norm for today and that was up to 20 km again. And somewhere on the way we had to find some gas cause otherwise we wouldn’t be able to cook and for us it’s a big deal.

The morning was beautiful: fresh air, warm sunlight and very idyllic picture. We wished it could last forever.
We took the indicators of the Camino and followed them during all that day. And it’s been great, we could see that they renovated them not long ago and it was very hard to lose the trail.
We walked in that beautiful weather first 6 km and then when we got to Askizu the black clouds came and it started to rain. We decided to wait for it to calm down under the roof of the old church with the other pilgrims. We had to wait up to an hour and lost quite a lot of time.
The weather was very changeable all day long. At one moment the sun was shining and the other it was raining again. But the most of the day it was drizzling rain and the black clouds were moving fast towards the land from the oceanside. That kind of weather influenced me (Angelina) very badly. I had a headache every time the clouds came out but it was going away when the sky cleared up.
The route to the city Zumaia was very scenic – we got to see the ocean, the forest and endless fields with the mountain backdrop. It was absolutely breathtaking. The roads were dirty and slippery and the whole day we were going up and down the hills because the relief was very mountainous. But the route wasn’t all the way the same, sometimes it was dirty paths and sometimes pavement roads. But very quiet overall. We enjoyed it very much.
That day we tried out our raincoats for the first time, they helped a bit but it is quite annoying to constantly putting it on and off because of the changeable weather. It was very hot to walk in them uphill so we had to put them off.
We realized that this was that challenging part the people from the forums were telling us about referring that the first week is the most difficult. But it was fine for us maybe because we have some experience living in the mountains and hiking.
Zumaia greeted us with the other rain and not being able to find the so needed gas we left it quite quickly. Before leaving we quickly got into the tourist office to have a stamp.
We were out to the next city Deba which was 5-6 km hike uphill and then downhill. We were keeping a good pace in order to get to our camping spot as early as possible. When we were about to enter the city we decided that we’ll have time to go past it to the next camping. We spent a good hour in the city searching for the gas and didn’t find it. Then we regreted that moment that we didn’t buy a bigger one before.
And in the rain and dusk we left again to the mountains and had to make 5.5 km more which seemed quite an impossible task to do. But we were about to do it anyway cause we didn’t have other option or we had to sleep in the forest again. But we really had to charge our gear so had no choice.
Very exhausted and dirty we got to the camping. The gate was closed and we had to hop over it and get inside. Because the main entrance was on the other side and it meant to have an extra walk. So we did it and could finally rest and sleep in peace.
Here is the link to Google map to follow the hike: