Untouched natural beauty of the atlantic oceancoast | San Pedro de La Ribera, Cabo Vidio and Cadavedo on Camino del Norte-Day 24
On the Day 24 of our Camino de Santiago del Norte we got from San Pedro de la Ribera beach to the village Cadavedo in Asturias.

We spent a quiet night in the fields at a spot that we found yesterday. Only in the morning we saw the people walking with their dogs. We went out to the beach to have our breakfast on one of the picnic tables which was very convenient and it was our 3rd time eating at a table, it felt like a blessing. We finally could film there my favourite stretching routine. The weather was a bit windy and cool so we had to wait for the sun to come out. But it seemed to be never the perfect conditions so it was already great that we were close to the beach. It wasn’t completely cloudy, there weren’t too much people and we had time to do that. We were afraid that it will got too cold soon and we’ll never be able to do that.
So the day started nicely. Then the sun established it’s place on the sky and it was there all day long. The first thing we planned to do is to get to Cabo Vidio and to exolore this place – that’s what locals recommend you to visit.
Our trail started with path through the eucalyptus forest going uphill but that’s was the only uphill for the day. Then we had a really long walk through the village Vivigo – it was surprisingly quite a big one with lots of private houses. We wandered a little bit in it and finally came out to Cabo Vidio Cliff.
The place was absolutely spectacular giving you 360 degree views of the surrounding cliffs and stunning rocks that are standing out of the water. There is an important lighthouse located – that’s seen from 40 km both sides.

The trail itself wasn’t very long – 3 to 4 kms to go over all the viewpoints but we spent good couple of hours trying our best to capture this beauty. We are happy that we made time to discover this place. We highly recommend it to visit to all pilgrims because Camino passes by too many nature beauties. And at least once in a few days you may want to do this kind of turn aways. Of course if you are willing to explore the places you’re walking in and not just go get from one point to the other. We understand why Camino goes as straight as possible because the relief is hard and there are no routes going along the coast but still it’s possible to get into at least some if these places and we are willing to show you as many as possible of them.

After a great photo shoot at the cliffs we had to go back and take the train to Cadavedo where was the camping site. We left quite late and didn’t have enough time to walk there. But for us exploring one place but throughly is so much more important than doing every single km by foot where we won’t even film much cause we saw it going once again on the car road. That was the reality of these places.
So we ran towards the nearest train station and having been waited for the train for 29 minutes started to worry about it coming. But fortunately I’ve read the notification on the infoboard saying that you should call the certain number in case if the train doesn’t come in 10 minutes. We called it and they said that there was an accident with the train and the bus will come instead to pick us up. It was our first experience with the cases like this one but everything turned out great. The bus came with 40 minute delay but most important fact is that it came.
The trip was very short and here we were at Cadavedo. The village seemed to us very similar to Ovinon where we’ve been today but probably smaller. The camping was open so we left our things there, then went to supermarket, and were off to explore the Ermita La Regalina viewpoint.
Oceancoast views at the Ermita de La Regalina in Cadavedo
The views from there weren’t less scenic than from Cabo Vidio. Even though the weather was getting foggy and gloomier. We still could see the last place that we visited and we thought to ourselves that it was a good decision and probably we didn’t missed much from this trail in between. We wish we could visit every single cliff possible but then our way would take at least 2 months and we didn’t have that much time unfortunately. And if the Camino had the alternative route along the coast that is longer and harder we would also take it but there just aren’t any. The landscape is like that and we found our own solution to it that will be different for everybody depending on their goals and preferences.

The fog got completely over the village and we were coming back to the camping happy and inspired by the beautiful day that we had. We can’t say anything particular about the camping – it was small but hadn’t many people. The facilities were clean. But for some reason it wasn’t really cosy for us. But the location is good – close to many natural attractions and the mountain views from it are beautiful. Just because it didn’t have enough space for us we didn’t like it a lot.
Here is the link to Google map to follow the hike: